Komptech screeners

Komptech screeners are advanced machines used for the efficient separation and classification of shredded waste. They are essential in the waste management industry, helping to process waste into different fractions for recycling, further processing, or disposal. Komptech offers two primary types of screeners: drum screeners and star screeners. Here’s a detailed explanation of each type and guidance on choosing the appropriate screener for specific needs.

Komptech trommel screens

Operation and features

  • Design: Trommel screens, also known as trommel screeners or drum screeners, consist of a rotating cylindrical drum with perforated walls.
  • Mechanism: As the trommel rotates, the material is fed into it. Smaller particles pass through the perforations in the drum while larger particles continue to travel through the drum and are discharged at the end.
  • Advantages
    • Versatility: Effective for a wide range of materials, including organic waste, municipal solid waste (MSW), and construction and demolition debris.
    • Robustness: Durable and capable of handling heavy and abrasive materials.
    • Efficiency: Good at separating materials by size, especially when precise separation is needed.


  • Suitable for tasks requiring the separation of fine and coarse materials.
  • Often used in composting facilities, MSW processing plants, and for processing biomass.

Komptech star

Operation and features

  • Design: Star screeners use multiple shafts fitted with rotating star-shaped discs.
  • Mechanism: As the discs rotate, they agitate the material, allowing finer particles to fall through the gaps between the stars while larger particles are carried forward.
  • Advantages
    • Speed: Higher throughput compared to drum screeners due to the faster movement of materials.
    • Flexibility: Can be adjusted for different material types and sizes by changing the speed of the star shafts or the spacing between the stars.
    • Reduced clogging: Less prone to clogging, especially with moist or sticky materials.


  • Ideal for processing high volumes of materials quickly.
  • Commonly used in recycling facilities, for screening green waste, wood chips, and other bulk materials that might clog a drum screen.

How to choose between trommel screens and star screeners

When deciding which type of Komptech screener to use, consider the following factors:

  1. Material type

    • Trommel screens: Better suited for materials that require precise sizing and are less likely to clog, such as dry, dense materials.
    • Star screeners: More effective for materials that are moist, sticky, or fibrous, and where high throughput is essential.
  2. Desired output

    • Trommel screens: Provide accurate separation and are ideal when a high degree of precision is needed.
    • Star screeners: Offer faster processing and are preferable when processing large volumes quickly is more important than precise separation.
  3. Operational environment

    • Trommel screens: Suitable for heavy-duty applications and environments where robustness is critical.
    • Star screeners: Better in environments where flexibility and speed are prioritized, and where material properties vary frequently.
  4. Maintenance and durability

    • Trommel screens: Generally have a more robust build and may require less frequent maintenance for certain heavy materials.
    • Star screeners: Easier to maintain for materials that might otherwise cause frequent clogging and require downtime for cleaning in drum screeners.


  • For precision and heavy-duty needs: Choose a trommel screen if your primary requirement is precise separation of materials by size, especially for dry and abrasive waste.
  • For high throughput and flexibility: Opt for a star screener if you need to process large volumes of waste quickly and are dealing with moist, sticky, or fibrous materials.

Both Komptech screeners are engineered to provide efficient and reliable performance, but the choice between them depends largely on the specific needs of your waste processing operation.

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